Why I love Autumn
Autumn is a dream time of year for photographers and I don’t think I fully appreciated it until I got into photography. It’s September now already and we’re starting to see the colours of the leaves turning and the landscape changing and I’m so excited to get out there again this autumn for some outdoor family sessions…
I’ve always loved spring/summer and the longer days it brings but long summer days mean you have to be out either very early or very late in the day to get the softer light and have to wait what feels like an age for golden hour each day (the hour before sunset that photographers love because the colour of the light changes).
As summer turns to autumn, the days get shorter and the sun lower. The light is softer even in the middle of the day so you can shoot later in the morning and early afternoon and still get beautiful soft light and ‘golden hour’ is much, much earlier!
The best thing about autumn though is the gorgeous colours it brings to the landscape. Greens turn to reds, oranges, yellows and even purples providing a beautiful backdrop and the ground is covered in leaves and conkers, perfect for children to kick about and play with.
As the weather turns colder, we need to wrap up warmer but autumn is perfect for showing off those wooly jumpers and hats and stomping around in wellies or boots.
I would recommend dressing in colours that contrast with the autumn colours in the background such as dark blue/navy, pinks, purples and neutrals and bring plenty of layers which can always be added or removed.
So if you are thinking of booking a family or children’s shoot then now is the perfect time! I shoot outside all year round but October is my all time favourite month for outdoor photography.
I can come to your home for some photos indoors as well as out, or we can choose a nearby location such as a local park or garden. Your photos will be ready in plenty of time for Christmas too so that you’ll have beautiful and unique gifts to give to family and friends this Christmas.
More details on my family and children’s portrait sessions can be found here. If you would like to find out more or to book, please just get in touch,
email claire@littleolives.co.uk or message me here
I look forward to hearing from you!